Taxonomy results for: Composer

Posted on , Development

Working with branches in Composer

From time to time, you will find that you are going to need to work on a new feature, maybe your main application has some changes that live in your composer package or maybe you are adding a new feature to your compose package. In both scenarios, you might be maintaining a couple of feature…

Posted on , Trouble Shooting

Laravel 5.5 issue on PHP 7.0

How to install Laravel 5.5 with PHP 7.0

This is more of a note to myself, But a while back when Laravel announced that it would have minimum support for PHP 7.0 I thought nothing of it. My server was running Ubuntu 16.04 so I had PHP 7.0 Fast forward and Laravel 5.5 is out and ready for the masses. A few updates…

Posted on , Development

Make a custom Composer Package.

First, what is Composer and what is a Package? Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. Those Dependencies are what we call Packages that don’t have to be but are usually stored on Packagist. Making a private Composer Package is really simple, but the first thing that you need to make a new repo for…

Posted on , Development

Local workflow for private Composer packages

A simple symlink between the composer package and your project allows you to keep your core code all in one place.

I work on two rather large projects that follow two specific life cycles. I want to show you how easy it is to use and setup private Composer packages for use in Laravel. This does not need to be a private package and will work just the same with a public package that you might…

Posted on , Development

Using a private Composer package with Laravel and Docker.

Developing packages for use with laravel is reasonably straightforward. But we don’t all make the code for public consumption on Packagist. Adding a custom repository to your composer.json file will allow us to pull code straight from your Github account rather than Packagist. Now you should be able to add your package under require “adampatterson/app-core”:…

Posted on , Development

Speed up your Composer installs

Prestissimo comes to the rescue.

Starting a new project can be exciting until you create your new project. Now sit back and wait a few minutes. Prestissimo comes to the rescue, Running with Prestissimo dropped my install time from about 75 seconds to around 21 seconds.